Dark Maze | Drug Test | Exodus Theme Park | Photography Prohibited | The Art | His Tomb |
A Night In Museum |
The platform and the hardware requirement of each work varies. thus the original files are temporarily unavailable.
A night in the museum
December 2017
A VR environment simulating an art museum, in which players can interact with the exhibited objects, view their info, and mess around!
drug test
May 2017
A VR game in which players can experience side effect of various drugs.
Theme park : exodus
October 2017
A VR game in which players can experience a parody of exodus.
His tomb
August 2016
Part of an video installation, Clues, which help audience to interpret their everyday lives in a dramatic way. This is the last piece of the puzzle.
Photography Prohibited
May 2015
A miniature of TianAnMen square, surrounded by “Photography-Prohibited” signs, Audience can enter the square, which is covered by red mist.
The art
May 2015
A Tour to Contemporary art.
dark maze
May 2015
A game in which a player need to escape from a maze, while discovering the disturbing facts about the protagonist and the world he/she is in.